SME Acquisitions and Consolidation
Your next big strategy might involve a business combination. You want your business combined with other businesses to stay more relevant and profitable and unleash great, efficient synergies. Through acquisitions and consolidation, we can help you grow with other companies, and:
- maximize your income and market share
- survive the market competition or take over your competitor.
- share administrative costs and other expenses.
- pool shared key executives and strategic know-hows.

- gain additional IT and innovation support.
- create extended product offering or establish product integration
- expand distribution channels.
Whether you are on the buy-side or sell-side, our expertise can help you:
- find bidders, manage your deal’s timeline, and assist your company throughout the entire sales process.
- prepare your company for buyers’ questions and facilitate an independent and unbiased review of your business through vendor due diligence report.
- provide valuation of your business and suggest a comprehensive and reliable minimum bidding price.
- negotiate the price structure, adjustment terms, and any earn-out mechanisms.
- manage your deal’s timeline.
- get strategic advice and verify the financial strengths and issues of the target company through financial due diligence review.
- estimate synergies and provide a fair valuation of the target company.
- check proper accounting of the purchase price consideration.
- negotiate the price structure, adjustment terms, and any earn-out mechanisms.