Ham is a graduate of the BSc in Business Administration & Accountancy program of the University of the Philippines-Diliman. Prior to joining FVMS, Ham was an Investment Banking trainee at Index-Asia Philippines. There, he gained key skills and experience in financial advisory and market research. While at university, he learned competencies in economics, accounting, and advertising through internships and part-time jobs.

At FVMS, his work focuses on valuation, financial analysis and reporting. 


Ham is a graduate of the BSc in Business Administration & Accountancy program of the University of the Philippines-Diliman. Prior to joining FVMS, Ham was an Investment Banking trainee at Index-Asia Philippines. There, he gained key skills and experience in financial advisory and market research. While at university, he learned competencies in economics, accounting, and advertising through internships and part-time jobs.

At FVMS, his work focuses on valuation, financial analysis and reporting.